For the online booking, we require a deposit of € 50,00/100,00, is confirmed and fully credited.
No registration fee.
You don’t have to pay the deposit upon prior agreement (not applicable for rental objects).
The deposit of € 100,00 for the holiday apartment / house is necessary in all cases.
The deposit of € 50,00 for the rental caravan is necessary in all cases.
Please remit the amount to our account:
IBAN: DE53 5625 0030 0001 1610 16, SWIFT-BIC: BILADE55XXX
Hinweis zur Online-Streitbeilegung gemäß Art. 14 Abs. 1 ODR-VO: Die Europäische Kommission stellt eine Plattform zur Online-Streitbeilegung (OS) bereit, die Sie unter finden.
Finally I would like to express:
I would be very pleased if you would spend a visit on our campsite!
Good-by until soon in my empire,
the Campingpark Waldwiesen in Birkenfeld.
Sincerely, Countess Theresa von Waldwiesen